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Information and knowledge are the driving factors in the development of society. The human is the most intelligent among all categories of the living world. It gathers the information and converts it into knowledge and further uses it to improve the Living standard of the people. The need and desire are the two motivating factors for acquiring knowledge since the inception of the society. Initially, the knowledge used to be preserved and transferred through oral traditions. When the volume of knowledge grew, people invented the mechanism of recording them through writings. The organised set of such records is called documents. The society continued to develop and accordingly the volume of knowledge grew. Due to such developments, different civilizations emerged.


Information Sources is a source of information for provides knowledge to somebody. Information sources may be observations, people speeches, documents, pictures, organizations etc.

There are mainly two types of information sources. They are:

·    Documentary: 

physical handling or they are the record in some physical form. Documentary or

Traditional information sources are books, periodicals and newspapers. Major

part of all transactions of information is taking place through these media.


Today information has become the basic need of life, which helps to ensure other needs such as food; shelter etc. for its survival and growth. Hence it can be rightly said that without information, survival and development of human life is not possible. Information accelerates the pace of development of society as well as the development of nation. Information need to cope with crisis in the Lives of an individual and community is referred as Community Information Service (CIS) is performed by many Governmental, non-governmental voluntary organizations in their operative areas by their own ways. As such a Public Library is one which tends to enrich the lives of people through access to the ideas, information and entertainment available from books as well as from a variety of other resources.

I-Universe of Knowledge/Subject

  • To investigate the nature of knowledge and its dynamics is of paramount importance for Classifier and classification.
  • Knowledge can be defined as the sum total of conserved ideas, facts, fiction, myths, experiences and expressed emotions conserved by the society.
  • According to Ranganathan universe of knowledge is the universe of subjects, three types of subjects are distinguished: basic, compound and complex.

Management: Concepts and Definitions

Management is the process of achieving goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. According to Henri Fayol, "to manage is to forecast and to plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate"

Classical Management Theory:

 Classical management theory consists of a group of similar ideas on the management of organizations that evolved in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The Classical school is sometimes called the traditional school of management among practitioners. 

Fundamentals of Computer Technology


Computer is an electronic device, which accepts data, processes it and outputs the results in the form of reports. Original objective of computer was to make fast calculations, but the modern computers besides performing fast calculations can store large volume of data, process and retrieve data as and when desired. Hence computers are also known as data processors.
Characteristics of Computers

Library Automation

·        Library automation is meant for improved house-keeping activities, well processed collection data, easier access and user-friendly customer service. Term Automation is self explanatory that the process of a task has a systematic arrangement and completes its cycle automatically. Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science states that "automation is the technology concerned with the design and development of process and system that minimize the necessity of human intervention in operation" (Kent, 1977).
·        Library Automation refers to the use of computers to serve the needs of library users. The operations of a library get a quantum jump with the introductions of computers. The computers help to provide fast and reliable access to the resources available in the library as well as elsewhere. The application of computers in the library operations avoids repetitive jobs and saves lot of labour, time, speeds up operations, increases use of library resources. Computers are not only used as a tool for processing the data, but also for data storage and accessing


·        Research is composed of two words "re" and "search" which means to search again, or to search for new facts or to modify older ones in any branch of knowledge. The Webster's International Dictionary proposes a very inclusive definition of research as "a careful critical inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles diligent investigation in order ascertain something"
·        According to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Research is a systematic inquiry into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, etc.
Research is a matter of raising a question and then trying to find an answer. In other words, research, means a sort of investigation describing the fact that some problem is being investigated to shed for generalization Therefore, research is the activity of solving problem which adds knowledge and


 Health Science Library and Information System 


 Human resource capacity for health research is one of the most important measures of country’s capacity and capability to enhance the existing and emerging health concerns of the state. Access to and use of quality health information is critical for research and health care, wherein success of a research output is based on timely access to relevant information and data